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Default Feb 24, 2021 at 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by Soupe du jour View Post
I decided to move downstairs to the futon in the living room. Hubby is a little sad by that, but I am already loving it. I also sort of moved my stuff into the second (smaller) bathroom. For some reason I prefer that bathroom over the bigger quasi fancier one. Plus, it's even closer to the living room and what will be our future bedroom. No stairs to deal with! Beeline there, or even the kitchen, from where I'm sleeping. Also, having the futon to myself, I am sleeping on the side where I can easily swing my legs out of bed, not have to somersault or do a handspring down it. I also have the coffee table within reach where I can easily grab my glasses, a glass of water, and even my laptop. Simple pleasures!

As sort of a "sorry" gesture, I did change the linens to Hubby's bed upstairs and made it look comfier. He said he might join me in the futon in the middle of the night. I told him that if he does, he has to sleep by the window. Doing so would make it tough for him to get out. Somersaults wouldn't work. He'd need to stand up and jump over me, the headboard, or the footboard. Alternatively, he could jump out of the window. Directly there, outside, is a rather fancy dog house. Literally.

We have to get up early again. A man is coming to pick up all of our empty cardboard moving boxes, and other trash. Everything has to be so early! I set my phone alarm and Hubby's alarm clock.

Sleeping habits are as unique as the individual. I have my bed against the wall, under a large window. I sleep against the wall; I feel safest that way. And I have to have the window open some when I sleep (fortunately, I'm on the second floor). Getting out of bed is tricky, though. It's like trying to crawl out of a giant marshmallow.

I'm so glad your sleeping situation is improved. That's very important.


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Anonymous41462, bizi, Soupe du jour
Thanks for this!
Soupe du jour