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Default Feb 27, 2021 at 10:02 AM
Originally Posted by LonesomeTonight View Post
So I think acknowledging to your T that you feel weird and embarrassed talking about it can help. From how you described it here, it sounds like an important thing for you to discuss. If you don't think you can say it out loud initially, maybe you could write it down and hand it to him, if you're seeing him in person? Or if you're still seeing him virtually, send an email or use the chat feature if the software has one? (I know Zoom does, for example.) I think once you talk about it once, and see that your T is OK with it, it will gradually become easier.
Thanks LT, that’s actually a really good point. When I have said I’m worried or scared about talking about things in past, he has always gone in to extremely gentle, reassuring and soothing mode so that’s probably a good way forward. I’m seeing him in person but he’s ok with the odd email in between sessions so maybe I email him explaining that it’s something I want to talk about but I’m embarrassed and it feels weird and that way he’ll be the one to initiate the conversation and it won’t feel as awkward. I don’t think I’m quite ready to go there yet, but it’s something I want to think about and prepare myself for over the next few weeks.
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