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Anonymous 42424
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Default Feb 27, 2021 at 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by NotDeadYet View Post
Kinda just a vent ngl

I just want to die at this point, theres no point in living or trying anymore, Im 22 yet I feel like Ive wasted my life already and why bother existing?

I hate my job and I cut at work often, I cant stand the sight of myself and I hate the fact that Im too much of a ***** to actually do anything

I know Ill never amount to anything, all my art looks like **** and I have zero will to do my hobbies. I regret taking this job cause it's just tanked my mental health.

And I know everyone hates me, they prolly wish I was dead too, why would they ever want someone as boring and uninteresting as me to be alive? Wasting space that someone better can fill.

I might kill myself over this, I really dont think it will get better.
Things may seem dark right now, (and perhaps it has been so for a while). Many of us have been in your shoes and survived.

The best you can do is to tell your GP and get a reference to a Psychologist or a Psychiatrist. Tell what you have told here. There is a treatment that will work for you as it has done for us.

I wish you good luck in your try to find the right therapy for yourself.
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