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Old Mar 01, 2021, 07:33 PM
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wolftrap wolftrap is offline
Member Since: Oct 2020
Location: VA
Posts: 309
I need routine, or rather a loose framework, that is consistent from day to day to stay healthy.

- Wake and sleep at about the same time
- Meds exactly at same times
- Every evening plan out the next day
- Have a list of important things that need to be done that so I can fit these things into my daily plans as needed
- Look at checking account, credit cards, and meager IRA every evening (I lost control of finances when manic...not good)
- wash face, brush and floss teeth every night
- workout 2-3 times a week
- do household chores same few days a week

All this is so that I won't become anxious that I will miss something!
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Thanks for this!
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