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Grand Magnate
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Default Mar 20, 2021 at 07:25 PM
Well today wasn't so bad. I had an awkward conversation with my "friend" so at least we cleared the air. Basically what it comes down to is we probably just need some space from each other. But we'll still remain in touch. So I'm back to being alone again. Other than that, I went to my sister's so that my brother in law can change the oil in my car. Which was cool bc I got to see my nephews and niece again today. It's always nice to see them bc I forget about all the bs in my life when I'm with them. Then my sis and I hung out for a bit. I eventually did go and get that manicure so I can "feel pretty" and enjoy some self care for once. I'm happy with the results, I just hope I can maintain this for a while. And I've tried to pick my skin out of habit, and I couldn't. So we'll see how long I can deal with that.
I came home, did a couple discussion posts, and now I'm about to finish reading the chapter and maybe start on this paper. Overall, a productive day. Thanks again for the help! You guys are the best, thats why I love this forum.
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Hugs from:
*Beth*, Anonymous41462, Innerzone, Soupe du jour, Sunflower123
Thanks for this!
*Beth*, Soupe du jour