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Default Apr 05, 2021 at 02:33 PM
Today, I had to go to the library to pick up some holds. On my way in, a guy was coming out of the library. As has become my custom I tried to get out of the way, to maintain distance. We both had masks on, so I shouldn't really have needed to do that, but it's my habit and this is one of my first trips back "into the wild." He started shaking his head, like I was some sort of weirdo. I felt a combination of embarrassment and intense anger. While I understand the implications of the various recommendations and mask wearing and whatnot, this has just become my way of dealing with people who are too close to me. Mostly, because I seem to be one of the few who understands social distance. I'm not phobic about it, it's just automatic now. I'm better and calmer now, but wow, did I want to go off. I don't know that I'll be getting anything more from the library for a very long while though. Electronic offerings are plentiful.
Hugs from:
AzulOscuro, Discombobulated