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Default Apr 13, 2021 at 08:20 AM
Yesterday I think I had a mini burnout. For months I've been reading and watching and thinking about topics to improve myself and lift me out of my ennui. But yesterday it all felt overwhelming and like I was spinning my wheels, so I took the day off from all of it. I returned a number of books to the eLibrary, unsubscribed to a bunch of YT channels. You know, overreacted. I did sleep a little better last night, so I'm hoping today will be better. I know that the only way out of all of this, is to make some pretty big changes. I'm just afraid to make them. I'm unhappy, but I'm comfortable. Not a great way to go through life.
Hugs from:
Breaking Dawn, Buffy01, Deilla, Discombobulated, mote.of.soul, Scarlet Alexis, SprinkL3, TunedOut, Wolfnwalk, zapatoes
Thanks for this!
Breaking Dawn, Buffy01