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Default Apr 14, 2021 at 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by susannahsays View Post
The therapist I see often talks about how predators manipulate you to make you see things in a way that suits them. The way someone acts towards you can be confusing. For example, if a perpetrator is kind to you or caring at times, it's disconcerting when they violate you. Sort of makes you doubt your own reality.
Agree. The events happened in a back room at the office where he would see patients. There was a ‘couch’ and one chair in that room. The ‘couch’ reminded me of a vinyl exam table...same shape...although no paper or stirrups. No sheets. Just a vinyl exam table/couch. At subsequent appointments waiting for my turn I went back to that room a few times...wanting to see if that table/couch was still there...wondering, ‘Did that really happen?’

We like to categorize people as good or bad. When someone we think of as good does something really bad, I think that it's often easier to start seeing ourselves as the bad one rather than placing the blame where it belongs. Unfortunately that coping mechanism is not helpful in the long run, but it's really hard to shake.

I know this is a common thing people say, it feels almost trite, but would you blame someone else who went through what you went through? Would you think they were in the wrong, or would you think there was something very wrong with that therapist that he behaved so appallingly?

I’m pretty sure I would blame him.

Because I think there's something wrong with him and that has nothing to do with you - you did not cause him to be a **** person.

If it hadn't been you, I'm sure it would have been someone else -
Didn’t know it at the time but there were, at least, six others.
and that's not to dismiss how personal it feels to have someone hurt you like that. I'm just saying that he did it because of his own **** not because you did something wrong.

There's nothing you could have done to justify him forcing himself on you.
I’m pretty clear that I don’t blame myself for the part he forced. (I think?) (I never knew what to call it..) So many other things happened, tho, feelings of responsibility and stupidity are muddy about several of those. I recognize he deliberately tried to shift the blame on me. “You promised me you could handle this. Why aren’t you handling this!?” “It’s unfair for you to criticize me..”
But, i put myself there..I agreed to some things that turned out disastrous for me.
I didn’t question his actions or seek another opinion until it was too late. I was scared to talk to anyone about it. Who would I ask...another therapist? Then, I was afraid of what might happen...would the matter be taken out of my hands...would it be made public?..

Last edited by precaryous; Apr 14, 2021 at 11:45 AM..
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