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Default Apr 23, 2021 at 10:27 AM
It's mid morning and so far I'm doing OK. I didn't sleep great. I've been trying to get myself completely off of sleep aids and while I've stopped the drugs, I still take melatonin. I would like to stop that as well. Last night I fell asleep under my own power! Of course I woke up an hour later, so took some melatonin, but a much smaller dose. I'll take it. Small victories. I'm also trying sleep restriction, i.e. only being in bed for 5-6 hours (though I may go shorter). This forces my body/mind to understand that bed is for sleep only. Of course, I need to stop reading on a tablet in bed right up until I fall asleep. Don't want to buy books and still hesitant to get books from the library. I've also started getting a little more exercise to try to poop myself out and burn off the adrenaline.

My health anxiety has lessened the last 24 hours or so. I've started listening to another Claire Weekes audiobook. She helps me so much to understand anxiety. I also see how I'm fighting my anxiety. I'm attaching the feeling that it's bad and I'm bad for having it. But that fighting is just prolonging it. I have anxiety (GAD) and I'm not bad because of it. It just is. So, I need to learn to REALLY accept it and then get on with my life. I attach WAY TOO MUCH importance to the thoughts of dying and hospitals and abandoning my pups. They're just thoughts (super common thoughts) and thanks to neuroplasticity (wooo, science!), I know I can change them by thinking other things. Just need to get better and jumping in between the initial thought and the spiral that often comes with it.

Hope everyone had a good day. Thanks @mote.of.soul!
Hugs from:
Anonymous49105, Breaking Dawn, Discombobulated, mote.of.soul, TunedOut
Thanks for this!
Discombobulated, mote.of.soul