I received my first two Xolair injections (speciality monthly treatments) on Friday, April 23rd 2021.
So Far My Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria Flare Ups and Angioedema have *NOT Changed.
I’ve had an increase in my Fibromyalgia Pain. [emoji2362] (I’m a 4:20 LICENSED Spoonie). I’ve purchased infused bath bombs, I have cannabis edibles and medical cannabis to smoke [emoji100].
It seemed like every pharmaceutical medication recommended for my Fibromyalgia has serious side effects like “suicidal ideation”, “increased depression”, “increased anxiety and “agitation.”
I understand what “possible side effects” mean, it means enough people experienced those side effects to become a warning.
Immunologist - A). Has Recommended I Continue Taking Hydroxyzine Twice a Day and using Clobetasol cream
for Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria.
B)Dexamethasone for Angioedema.
I have my fingers crossed [emoji1693] that Xolair injections will eventually put me in remission or reduce my Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria and Angioedema flare ups.
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