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Default May 04, 2021 at 03:45 AM
buddah1too, it's starting to be a long time that you've felt unwell. I agree with BethRags that it is a shame that your psychiatrist treated you as they did. Unless I'm remembering wrong, haven't you been sober for quite a while now? I think it is unfair that your doctor would question that. You have bipolar disorder. Sometimes psychiatrists get overly obsessed with addiction. I know that well. It took me a while in order to get some providers to realize that that wasn't my main issue anymore, not that it was my CORE issue in the past, either. Would you consider contacting your pdoc's office to let them know your bipolar wasn't sufficiently addressed?

Nammu, I hope you finally got a peaceful bath. Or will soon get one. That's nice that you helped out your mom. You should feel good about that.

BethRags, I know what you mean about wanting to only go to low stress places. I know when I've had to go to busier joints, I've become quite anxious. Usually my husband went with me (and always goes with me now). Sometimes I've asked him if I can step outside for a bit to regroup. I used to do that. If you go with your husband, is that something you might do when you go to the busier store?

Moose72, I'm glad to read that you are getting your 2nd vaccination. Seeing how sick people can get from covid, I wish everyone would go get vaccinated.

Jennifer, congratulations to your daughter on her graduation! What a wonderful accomplishment. Also, I hope your brother recovers quickly.
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*Beth*, Anonymous41462, buddha1too, Nammu, Sunflower123
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*Beth*, buddha1too, Nammu, Sunflower123