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Default May 13, 2021 at 05:27 AM
I rested yesterday, doing sensory-deprivation to calm my hypomania and super-charge my recovery from my shopping odyssey from the day before. I shopped for 3.5 hours plus transit!

Whoosh, my senses were overloaded! I got everything done tho: groceries, big box store, dentist and optometrist. I was even on time for my dentist appointment and it was the third thing. I had to time everything just so.

Glad i gave myself extra time as the mall is all effed up due to COVID. The mall is about a kilometer around from the outside, it's a renovated formerly outdoor strip mall that has been re-imagined as a lovely and stunning enclosed mall with a soaring open atrium and skylights cut into the corridor ceilings.

Unfortunately, due to COVID only the center main doors are open so i had to walk all around the mall to get from the big box at one end to the bulk store at the other. To boot, i forgot my glasses at one point and had to back-track and also forgot about the alternate door closures at the beginning and walked all the way down to the big box store only to find i had to back-track to the main doors.

Effed-up or what? Plus there's no where to sit and rest due to COVID removing all the comfortable sofas-like benches that are usually strewn around the mall (it's really a comfortable mall) so i was relegated to sitting on a garden retaining wall outside -- hard on the bum. During the rest of my journey i did discover two outside benches but they've both seen better days. Ah, COVID nonsense!

I got many nice things tho including vanilla whey protein powder at the bulk store, 27g of protein for 130 cals -- extremely high-profile as the dieticians say, meaning the ratio of *nutrition : cals* is very good. It's been settling fine, i've had it twice now so i can finally lay my fears of not getting enough protein to rest.

I also got raspberries, green grapes and apples -- foods i haven't been able to eat in years due to my teeth being sensitive. But since the dentist painted a temporary protective layer on them, they're fine! So, yay for fruit! It's so pretty...

I felt binge-y a couple times yesterday, from sensory-deprivation being so boring even tho i allow quiet music from my library (NO RADIO), so i just had an apple once and a spicy tomato juice another time and was fine. So another day binge-free to add to the pile! I am in my third week of dieting!

I have an appointment with my doctor on Monday to discuss some of my issues. Not sure if he is specialized enough to assess me himself. He's a young guy, so maybe. I'll probably have to be referred to a specialist to be assessed for Binge Eating Disorder (BED) tho. We'll see.

I also want to discuss the dull pain in my side, if it's fatty live from two decades of eating poorly, mostly pop and chips, so it'll be good to give that some attention too. Then there is the status of my benzo taper to discuss. It's on hold until my insomnia heals, probably when Spring passes. So lots to talk about with him!

Still sore today, so another day of sensory-deprivation and it's too bad because it's nice weather but the sun just fries my aching brain. Will get my dog outside to enjoy the morning tho at 7:00am for an hour. I owe her that. Plus my neighbors come out at 8:00am so it'll be nice to have a little tame socializing with them.

Well, off to dry my hair! Have been showering daily!!! Yay for fresh hair!!!!!
Hugs from:
*Beth*, Anonymous45023, buddha1too, Nammu, Soupe du jour, Sunflower123, ~Christina
Thanks for this!