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Default May 15, 2021 at 04:43 AM
I started a new Netflix series called "STARTUP." It's fantastic! It's about business ventures started by a white-male-entrepreneur, a destitute second-generation Cuban girl code-jockey and a Haitian thug trying to find an honorable way to lift his community out of oppression. There's three seasons and i am near the end of season two and it just keeps getting better and better.

The only thing is the power-of-suggestion is really strong. I see the characters drinking coffee and i have a decaf, which i'm trying to quit because i trick-it-out with so many calories of sugar and coffee whitener. I see them drinking wine and i drank A WHOLE BOTTLE of alcohol-free wine. Luckily the wine is low-cal, even Weight-Watchers approved.

Still, i'm trying to do all-things-in-moderation and this show just arouses me so much i want to INDULGE. It's really an exciting, evocative show. Not as good as "Breaking Bad" but VERY good.

I think i wrote about it yesterday so i'll stop now. I stayed out with my dog from 6:00am til 8:30am yesterday to socialize with my neighbors who come out at 8:00am and it was hardly worth it. I had an unsatisfactory chat with my one close neighbor, who insists on denying reality re COVID. Then other neighbors turned their backs to me when they were chatting -- not one of life's great feelings, ya know?

Then our dogs didn't get along and mine fusses and nosed around in the mulch which is a no-no given her recent dental surgery and sensitive stomach. So i don't think i will bother with my neighbors today. I like one of them, she's a doll (USUALLY, except for the COVID-denial), but the others, not so much.

I slept from 10:00pm to 4:30am, so 6.5 hours last night. I feel fine. I guess i just don't need the zzzs this time of year. I napped yesterday and i can again today, if fatigue washes over me again.

Still, this is an improvement over 3.5 hours and no nap so i'm pleased and feel healthier. I'll talk to my doctor on Monday but no way i am taking MORE meds. I want to go in the OTHER direction, LESS meds, so there's not much he can do but it's good to keep in touch with my doctor so he can document my sleep disturbance for my private insurance benefits yearly review for which he is responsible.

He's sort of like my boss, my doctor. He's in charge of my income. He's benign and honorable, thankfully, i'm really vulnerable re my yearly income reviews. Tho, he said if he ever certifies me "fit-for-work," *i* can fire *him*!!! Anyways, it's been twenty years, i doubt they'd try and kick me off benefits at this late date, eleven years from retirement, but it's an on-going concern with me.

The Spring weather here is ridiculous. I had my heaters and cooling fan on at different times in the same day! Time for the air conditioner soon! The mornings are cold but at 5:00pm it's warm. Not great for health, that's for sure. And i think i may have an allergy of some kind, my eyes tear and nose runs for hours in the afternoon. Could this be a pollen allergy? Too lazy to Google it...

Well, gotta boogie, gotta take-on-that-world again!


I love scarves, boots, sweaters and hoodies too! So cozy! And good-looking! I also have a super-fine parka that i am still wearing when i take my dog out at dawn for a few hours when it's still like eight degrees Celsius (46 degrees Fahrenheit). It cost a lot but the workmanship and design are fantastic, it's so comfortable!

And since my dog and i are sitting for some of the time it gets cold. She's got her good parka too, cost $85, as much as a coat for a human! But it's a clever design too, slips right over her head, thru her forelegs and buckles around on top of her torso. We both have good gear so we can enjoy the outdoors without wrecking our bodies power-walking for 2.5 hours just to keep warm, tho we do a tame walk and that is fine.

Last edited by Anonymous41462; May 15, 2021 at 05:12 AM..
Hugs from:
*Beth*, Anonymous45023, buddha1too, Soupe du jour, Sunflower123, ~Christina
Thanks for this!