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Default May 22, 2021 at 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by Deilla View Post
@whatever2013I hope things get better for us.
@Deilla: Sorry that you didn't get any attention at the ER. I've done my share of waiting there too and left frustrated without being seen.

I've given up on going to the ER overnight as they never see me until 8:00am when the docs come on anyways and then i've spent hours languishing in an uncomfortable waiting room when i could be home on my leather sofa listening to soft music.

It'll be good to be seen by a GP tho. I personally find their care to be excellent and superior to other types of medical professionals, specialists and para-professionals. My GP spent AN HOUR on the phone with me this week!

Yeah, it's hard to manage life with limited physical resources. I try to do the most important stuff first, in case i run out of energy. That way i avoid crises.

Yesterday i put out coins for three loads of laundry. But i made sure i did the things that couldn't wait first and well i did because i DID run out of energy and wound up doing only the one load. But no problemo, tho, as the other things can wait.

Budgeting in recovery time is also something i try and do. I get really bad Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS).

This means i LIKE exercise and can actually do a lot of it at once, it's just after that the pain sets in, in the following days, with it getting worse before it starts to get better.

It really slows me down and is not ideal in a pet parent as my dog would like a regular walk i'm sure but some day it's all i can do to take her to the dog park and let her run loose (which she likes also).

Well, all we can do is stay the course and keep after our doctors and do our part to exercise and build strength as best we can.

Hugs from:
Thanks for this!