Thread: How Much?
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Default May 23, 2021 at 03:58 AM
Originally Posted by WovenGalaxy View Post
Honestly, I'd say my whole life revolves around my biological makeup
Originally Posted by MickeyCheeky View Post
but i think that some external circumstances can influence that as Well, such as some Friends or even the weather for me.
Originally Posted by Skeezyks View Post
....when I was younger I was a lot better at working around them, ignoring them, pushing them down or aside, denying them, etc....And sometimes I find myself wishing I would just totally lose what sanity I have, or perhaps develop some form of dementia that would allow me to simply let it all go and just not give a fig about the consequences....
Originally Posted by BethRags View Post

...As I've aged, I find myself exhausted from them....
Beth, Sorry your mental health issues have been such a challenge and that you aren't feeling well either physically or mentally (this is I have gathered from your posts lately). I know that for some people, their MH issues effect them so much mentally and physically that it interferes with the quality of their life. I went through a period of time where wondering what was wrong with me was taking up too much time in my head. It is miserable to always be thinking about what is wrong and how I was feeling. Was that compulsive OCD thoughts? Bad habits? Just wondering if I was mentally ill was sort of making me feel insane. I didn't go to a psychiatrist until my late 40s so some of the issues my meds are treating (I remember having sleep issues even as a child and remember having the periodic feeling of depression beginning is high school) I just thought of as my biological makeup and I worked around them because when we are younger, IMO, we more energy to function adequately on and people didn't get diagnosed as much back then. So if I couldn't sleep on a school night, I would just read and listen to music much of the night but didn't worry about it. I was tired the next day but when my mom got me up I still went to school, got good enough grades, etc. And in college, I would get myself up and go to class whether I slept well or not but I would feel almost sick sometimes because of the lack of sleep but I do credit my mom with instilling the habit of getting up and doing what needs to be done every day--no matter how I felt. However, at this point in my life, the lack of sleep effects me even more than it used to so I am grateful to have medications that are helping me have more consistent sleep. But I agree with
WovenGalaxy's thought about we all have a biological makeup, though I know for some navigating their mental health issues is a full time job. Hugs to Downandlonely, Whatever, Miguels Mom, FluffyDinosour and Kidfle.

Hugs to Skeezyks. In my case, I find myself hoping that I don't develop dementia. I have read that the lack of sleep and some of the meds I take to help me sleep increase the chances that we could develop dementia issues. I still love reading and studying things and hope I can always do this. One good thing about reading and learning new things is that they are protective against developing dementia.

Hugs to MickeyCheeky. I can totally relate to the weather effecting my moods. And you and Eskielover are right about how much our relationships effect us too! I have always lived in places with lots of sunshine but when I visited family in NW USA in the winter and it was cold, damp and raining the entire time, I noticed how much better I would feel when we returned to a Southern state. I have always found that sunshine lifts my mood and like getting outside everyday.

Last edited by TunedOut; May 23, 2021 at 05:57 AM..
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*Beth*, bizi, Skeezyks
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