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Default May 26, 2021 at 03:17 AM
I completed my third day off diet cola yesterday! Have been trying to quit for five years. Have been a fiend for twenty years. At last, at last. No cravings. Have only gone one day at the most one other single time and i was nearly hysterical with cravings.

I think i was able to quit this time for two reasons. One, i am a lot happier now. Two, my brand of choice just came out with a caffeine free option and i drank that for a month, so the physical craving wasn't there this time either.

Anyways, feel 100% better. I just drink tap water as i'm near the Great Lakes and our tap water quality here is fantastic and it's free and ubiquitous. I pay thru property taxes of course so might as well get my money's worth!

Still struggling with portion control tho. The quality of my diet has improved immensely, but i am still eating waaaaaaaay too much. It would be so easy to cut back too, like i've been having multiples of some foods. Why don't i just half the number? So frustrated with myself...

@Mountaindewed and all:

Congratulations on the walking! I went with my neighbors yesterday. Four people and four dogs!

@leomama and all:

I so admire your cooking skills. I'm struggling to develop some at 54. What i wouldn't give to go back in time and learn at my mom's side...
Hugs from:
Blue_Bird, Deilla, Mountaindewed
Thanks for this!