Thread: Google?
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Soupe du jour
Member Since Jun 2015
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Default Jun 13, 2021 at 04:39 AM
Search engine optimization (SEO) is very important for websites. BethRags, thanks for bringing up the topic last month. I will say that I've seen a handful of new members, lately. Coincidence? Or something else?

I used to work in Marketing. Website optimization was not my direct responsibility, but I learned a bit about it. Certainly if the hosts for the main website could add some more SEO tricks, that would be great. I know a few tricks, but as just a member here (and not an expert), I won't provide ideas. I do utilize them for my own blog, with some success. Though my blog is a casually maintained one, I do include a linkage to this website (MySupportForum). A few people clicked through over the past four years, and perhaps some other(s) also saw the PsychCentral or MySupportForum address. My blog doesn't make a huge difference, in the scheme of things, but some much bigger fish might.

By the way, I can't help but wonder how many significant mental health support forum websites are out there, nowadays. Obviously there are the mega ones. [I know who they are.] But as for the others...

MySupportForum is kind of semi-alone, in a sense, with some others more ghost towns than this site. I like that this is a closer knit community than the mega sites, and definitely more anonymous than Facebook. I think the close knit quality appeals to some, and not to others.

The main page of MySupportForums neither includes a descriptive tagline nor a reference to "mental health" in the logo. It's only when you look at the forums, themselves, that you even see what kind of support forums this website even has. Support for what?

Nothing I write above is meant to be a criticism. Just thoughts. I care about this community.

Last edited by Soupe du jour; Jun 13, 2021 at 07:58 AM..
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