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Always in This Twilight
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Default Jun 14, 2021 at 03:59 PM
Cross-post from Couch:
In-person, outdoor session with Dr. T went well. I was a bit panicked at first, because I got there early, and the two outdoor tables on the side of the building he said he's used before were occupied. I got an iced tea at the coffee place (their tables) then took one out front. Before, he'd said he'd have moved his chair to be 6 feet apart, but because we were in front of the building and near other tables, he said was OK to sit a bit closer, so we wouldnt' have to shout over other people (and the drone of the cicadas).

I teared up a little shortly after he sat down, but then didn't cry the rest of the session (we kept it a bit lighter). He was in a short-sleeve button-down shirt and shorts. I'd figured I'd be able to sort of block out the shorts thing, except he had his legs crossed in a way that his (bare) knee was resting against the table. It was OK though.

I was very anxious at the start (I mentioned it, and he said he could tell), but calmed down fairly quickly. It was a more relaxed and informal session than usual, some more chit chat, some disclosures from him (like, apparently we have similar car-driving styles, in terms of not exactly following the speed limit, plus other things). But we did talk about some therapy topics, and it was helpful, both in terms of those and sort of reconnecting in a way.

It's funny, I said near the beginning how I thought maybe meeting outside would make an easier transition between virtual and in-person inside his office. He said he'd actually been concerned that it would be weird for me, because we'd never met outside the office before. How it could have felt more like two friends meeting for coffee, how it was more informal. I was like, "Well, I mean, it wasn't in person, but I've met with you from my bedroom, and you've been in your house some of the times, so..." As in, it wasn't only in his office then trying to meet outside at a coffee shop. He seemed to get it.

Addition from original Couch post: It ultimately ended up feeling like something in between a therapy session and two friends meeting for coffee. Like it seemed to sort of drift back and forth between the two, like clearly therapy stuff, meandering into chit chat, moving back into therapy stuff, etc. He also self-disclosed more than usual. And I think that's all OK, because this wasn't a normal session.

I think this will just be an occasional thing until he's back in person inside his office. Like maybe once a month? Once every few weeks? Will depend on weather, too. As he mentioned, we lucked out today, as it wasn't too hot, was mostly cloudy, slight breeze.

I admit I found it difficult to say goodbye, and it was probably good that it was outside, so he could stand up and, after scheduling and a few words about the session, tell me "Bye now" (kindly) and head into the building. As opposed to my having to walk out of his office while he stayed there.
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