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Old Jul 02, 2021, 12:29 PM
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Skeezyks Skeezyks is offline
Disreputable Old Troll
Member Since: Oct 2015
Location: The Star of the North
Posts: 32,762
Gee... I've never posted in the Anxiety Daily Check-in threads before that I can recall. But I certainly have plenty of anxiety it seems although my anxiety seems to be more physical than mental if that makes any sense. In other words, I'm not typically anxious / worried about anything in particular. But my body is in an anxiety-like state pretty-much 24/7/365. The only thing I can figure is I lived with so much anxiety for so many years my body doesn't know how to exist any other way. Anyway... thanks for keeping the Check-in thread going. Perhaps I'll try to post here from time-to-time.
Hugs from:
88Butterfly88, Breaking Dawn, Buffy01, Lizzie1813, MuseumGhost
Thanks for this!
Breaking Dawn, Buffy01