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Default Jul 26, 2021 at 03:57 AM
Originally Posted by Mountaindewed View Post
I had 3 servings of Goldfish today. Which is kind of unusual. I mean I had room for them but I normally just have one serving a day. Thats not very good that I’m adding in more servings of Goldfish but eating less of other things. It means that Goldfish are really becoming a main safety food. Then I had a measured out cup of Honey Nut Cheerios. I got an unwhich for a late lunch. Then I had a pack of protein peanut butter cups for a snack. Now I’m not sure what I’ll be eating for dinner. With the microwave still being broken until at least Thursday but possibly longer it’s been tough figuring out meals since I mainly eat ramen or oatmeal for dinner that I fix in the microwave. Last night my mom helped me with the ramen but I don’t want to ask her again. Maybe I’ll just have some dry special K cereal for dinner. I’m not hungry but I don’t want to be hungry so I have to stay ahead of it.

I do eat the same 4-5 things all the time but I think that’s more of an autism thing then an ED thing?

...... goldfish?

you need to fill me in here. apart from the little things that swim around in tanks (I used to have some!), I don't know what they are.