Thread: Fight... maybe
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Default Aug 02, 2021 at 03:51 PM
I was going to step back a little from posting, because I feel like I'm being too needy. But I wanted to update a little.

I had coffee with my friend this morning and they helped me start thinking a little more about... everything. One thing they did was to challenge me to go visit my brother and his family. I haven't seen my brother in 2 years and my nieces in probably 12. It's been too long. Now, I told my friend about thinking about moving closer to my brother and that the main driver of that was to give my pups and opportunity to become familiar with them, because I want them to be with my brother if something happens to me. So, the trip does have a dual or even triple purpose. For me to see my family, for my pups to get familiar with everyone and for me to see some of the area that I might move to. I still have things I need to do here but should everything work out, I'll probably be heading out there within a month. It's a long damn drive, but will be worth it because I can pass through the town I grew up in and the city I went to college in, neither of which I've seen in decades. Might be fun to reminisce. I could take a slightly different path back and stop at the city I went to grad school at (didn't graduate). We'll see, things are open.

Anyway, thanks once more for listening to my ranting. I do appreciate everyone's support!
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Hugs from:
downandlonely, unaluna