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Member Since May 2008
Location: NW Indiana, U.S.
Posts: 33
Default May 17, 2008 at 03:58 PM
<font color="#880000">I'll just explain everything from the beginning. This is concerning my kids. Please read through.

A few years back, my now 11 yr old daughter accused my husband of touching her inappropriately. Unfortunately, she had been lying quite a bit, during that time. She was also saying that her now 15 yr old brother had "tried to hump" her. It was difficult to decide what to believe. I had no choice but to leave the decision to CPS and therapy and I needed the help. THEY needed their help. My daughter later told them that she had lied and the case was dropped on a satisfying note. The kids' therapy sessions began to include sexual topics per my request. Their psychiatrist then explained to me that curiosity is normal for children their ages and also told them that it was inappropriate between brother and sister.

Naturally, CPS has to be notified for reports like these, which I applaud. The woman who came to visit at that time was understanding but firm and she told me that she has to file the report but was certain it would be dismissed. And it was. She stressed, simply, to keep the kids seperated- and we have been, since then.

A few days ago, I walked into the baby's room, where the kids play playstation. The door was shut because the baby was roaming the house. I heard the playstation going before I opened the door. My son had asked if he could play when he came in from school, like he should have. When I opened the door, I saw my daughter lying on her stomach, eyes closed and my son hovering just above her, horizontally on his knees. (both fully dressed) It shocked me that she was in there without me knowing. They have always known to ask before going into that room and I thought she had gone outside. That day, I was wrong.

The second I opened the door, he jumped back away from her and began pleading with me that he wasn't going to do anything- that he was just going to wrestle with her. His pleading turned to outbursts until he finally gave up. My daughter upheld her story that she was trying to sleep. A few minutes later, my son came back to me and told me it was my daughter's idea.... that she told him to do it.

Shaking, I called the mental health emergency department, like I was told to do. (The kids have already been seeing their doctor there every month) At the most, I was thinking that my son (or both) would be hospitalised for evaluation, therapy and medicine adjustment if needed. The emergency department had to notify CPS, which I had already anticipated.

CPS was here at around 7:00 last night. The woman had to call her supervisor when she learned that this had been a problem before. She was angry that they weren't removed before and she scolded me for not taking action, last time. For not getting them the help they needed for the problem. I tried to explain to her that I did everything I was told to do and that the issue was being addressed in their therapy sessions but she didn't let up. I had also asked for extensive counceling before.... and ended up believing that they were getting all the help they could get.

She made her calls for assistance. After a long while, another car pulled in, along with 2 squad cars. She said the police had to sign the children off. There was one strange moment during this time. The woman read me my rights and went through her explanations and turned to the police officers to sign. The policemen stood there for a while, reluctant to sign, scratching his head, obviously wanting to say something. The woman stood there, looking at him, puzzled for that moment. Then the officer said something like, "Before there's any signing, we need to discuss something, first." I was hoping he'd seen a flaw in her procedure. They stepped outside to talk. In the meantime, I packed some bags for the kids. We don't know what the issue was.

A while later, they came back in and she handed out her papers and instructions. She explained once more that this was the only way to keep the two kids from sneaking away alone for now and didn't have anymore information for us except the court date, this coming Tuesday. We said our goodbyes to the kids and they were gone. I sobbed the minute they left.

About 15 minutes passed and one of the cars returned along with one of the policemen. My heart sank even deeper, instantly. The original woman didn't come, this time. It was only the two white women. They came in and told us that they "have to remove the baby from the home, also". One of the women talked to me, a little more privately, but my husband could still hear. My daughter had told them in the car that my husband had touched her. They had to get the baby out, too. I understood, but of course... it killed me.

My kids are now gone... All of them. My friends told me not to blame myself... but if I would have been more aware that day and known that my daughter was in the room with him, it wouldn't have happened at all. They'd all be here, right now- in their own home.

I just know that they feel really lost, right now. Especially my 1 year old baby... suddenly she's in a different place, with different people and she has no idea why. Mommy and Daddy aren't there, all of a sudden. I really don't think things can get any worse, right now.

What angers me is the fact that children who are abused on a daily basis are still in that environment after countless reports made by everyone, including family members. Or their kids are taken, only to be returned immediately. And I reach out for help and my children are taken. I was told that if things don't get straightened out in 15 months, they'll all be eligible for adoption.

We're good people. We're very honest. I ask for help, when needed, I offer information concerning my family and kids, I do everything that I'm told, I encourage my children to tell the truth and tell everything, I even plan on asking the judge for lie detector tests because I need the truth, too. I always want what's right for my kids and I always want to be a good parent for them. I only want what's right.

I'm sorry this turned out so long, but I wanted to include all the information I could think of regarding this. Questions are most welcome and please tell me your thoughts, no matter what they are. If any of you have encountered anything like this before, please post here? We'll hopefully be obtaining a lawyer soon, but any bit of advice would be most helpful. Even constructive criticism, because I know that I should have been more aware, that day. Maybe an eye opener for me? Encouragement would go a long way, too if you have it. I really need it, right now. If not, then I thank you for reading through all this at least.

EDITED TO ADD: I apologize if anything in this post is inappropriate. If it gets removed, I understand, but I'm really looking for some educated input, right now.</font>


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