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Default Oct 10, 2021 at 09:16 PM
Yeah, I was taken off lorazepam very slowly and I ended up having 4-6 long panic attacks. I'm serious. I would have rapid heartrate, sweating, feeling like I'm going to die, shaking uncontrollably, intense fear. Many different symptoms. I had several panic attacks in the bath so I was only bathing like once a month and I was terrified when I did take them. I was scared driving, I couldn't cook bc I was anxious I was just completely frightened. My family who is very good to me blew it off. Even coming here for support I barely got any support. It was the worst experience I went through and it lasted 9 months. I've had a pretty hard life and that was the absolute worst thing i've ever been through.

I'm off it now but I'm on massive sedating meds. I think I would be better off being back on lorazepam. I think what all I'm on isnt healthy. I never, ever took more than my dose, never.

I didn't want to be taken off them to begin with. Nor did I want to be put on them. It was when I first started taking meds after my incredibly horrid psychotic break. I was having akathisia from latuda and the nurse I was seeing said it was anxiety bc I didn't want to be on antipsychotics bc they scared me. She said if I didn't go on them she would quit seeing me. I didn't realize I could get someone new. I was brand new at seeing psych ppl.

I got a new psych nurse and she wants to just keep me on the meds I'm on. I still struggle with anxiety. But I'm bathing, driving and cooking again. I'm much more able to cope.

My advice to anyone struggling if they should take them I say run as fast as you can from benzos!
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Hugs from:
*Beth*, bizi
Thanks for this!