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Soupe du jour
Member Since Jun 2015
Location: Czechia
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Default Oct 13, 2021 at 12:22 PM
I would likely love the broccoli cheddar tots, Mountaindewed. I love both ingredients but rarely have them. My husband hates broccoli and likes most other cheeses over cheddar. Sometimes I make grilled cheese and tomato sandwiches with it, which he'll eat. Like, who in the heck doesn't like a grilled cheese sandwich?

I am trying hard to be a good sport during this vacation. Lazně in Czech Republic includes all kinds of prescribed treatments, some of which I'd never elect for, but I'm doing some. Today I got a massage. I don't mind Hubby giving me one, but am not keen on strangers give them. It was a guy and he spoke zero English. We managed, but it makes me nervous when communications are difficult. Also, Czechs have no issues with nudity at all. Though I am not religious, I come from a family of semi prudish types. It's hard for me to totally lose it. Americans, in general, are more so than Europeans. At least he didn't touch my feet. I don't like anyone, including Hubby, to do so. I don't have podophobia, I just don't like it. At one point before he finished, I sort of went to jump up asking "Hotovo?" [Finished?] And he said no. When he finally was, he responded "Hotovo!" Oh, gosh! What I do for my husband!

As with most all Czech men I've spoken with alone (except Hubby), once they learn I am an American from New Jersey, the first thing they ask is if I know Czech ice hockey players of the New Jersey Devils team. I really don't. I don't follow that sport, but I'd better learn who they are already. I just say that I know "Jaromir Jagr" who was one of the best ice hockey players in the world, and also played for the NHL. Most all Czech men love both ice hockey and football (soccer in the US)...except my husband. Only slightly less than they love beer.

Dx: Bipolar type 1

Psych Medications:
* Tegretol XR (carbamazepine ER) 800 mg
* Lamictal (lamotrigine) 150 mg
* Seroquel XR (quetiapine ER) 600 mg

I also take meds for blood pressure, cholesterol, and tachycardia.

Last edited by Soupe du jour; Oct 13, 2021 at 01:20 PM..
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*Beth*, Blue_Bird, buddha1too, Innerzone, Mountaindewed, Nammu, Sunflower123, ~Christina
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