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Default Dec 18, 2021 at 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by LiteraryLark View Post
If You Had All the Money in the World, How Would You Live Your Life?

Where in the world will you live? Where I live now, I’d renovate mum’s house to make it one level, and put in wooden floors. Then after she passed I’d get a condo in a city. For theaters and ballet. And I’d get a house in New Mexico for winters.

What would your house look like? A condo in the cities. But not a huge one. In New Mexico I’d have a stucco viliia

What anemities would you have (pool and hot tub, yacht, movie theater, moat, etc)? Definitely have a movie theater room and tons of my favorite TV shows on DVD so I could binge watch and throw cos play theme nights. I’d also have an art studio and kiln so I could play with clay.

What car(s) would you drive? A Tesla in NM and none in the city. I’d have a service or use public transportation

Would you donate to charity? If so, which ones? Oh, so many. Definitely the woman’s shelter that helped me so much and animal shelters

Would you be super outgoing or a hermit? Except for a very few friends and family I’d be a hermit

What animals would you have? Just my cat until he passed cause he’s used to being king. Then I’d get to big rescue dogs and two cats.

What kind of clothes or jewelry would you wear? Bohemian and 70’s throwbacks

Would you continue to work or consider it an early retirement?
retirement but would volunteer

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