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Attention Dec 22, 2021 at 07:04 PM
1. Unmasked people indoors.
2. Unmasked people purposely coughing when they see an Asian masked me.
3. People telling me to "go back to China" or "go back to Wuhan" (even though I'm not Chinese, but I am Asian).
4. People asking me, "What are you?" I can handle, "Where are you from?" But when I answer where I'm from, don't assume that I'm a foreigner by asking me where I am "really from" or where my parents are from.
5. People telling me that I'm a "model minority" or a "sexy exotic Asian" or "smart because I'm Asian." None of that is true!
6. People judging me for my appearance, weight, disability, age, race, height, or gender.
7. People leaving me out of things like I'm the last to know, if ever, or telling me, "I didn't want to tell you because I thought you'd be too worried."
8. People trying to push their religion or anti-religion on me.
9. People gaslighting me.
10. People victim-blaming and victim-shaming.
11. People fat-shaming.
12. People being passive-directive, indirect, giving the silent treatment, etc.
13. Unruly neighbors touching my things like my packages or my laundry, when I used to used shared laundry rooms. Thankfully, I have my own washer and drying inside my apartment.
14. Neighbors having loud sex. Thankfully, I don't hear that as much.
15. Young adults making all sorts of noise between 2 a.m. and 3:30 a.m. where I live - all inebriated and unmasked and close together and superspreading whatever.
16. People saying "don't live in fear" when you're just truly "following the science."
17. People still thinking that DID is schizophrenia or a personality disorder.
18. People saying insensitive things about the disabled, immigrants, non-white persons, non-Christian persons, Muslim persons, atheists, those above 40, nontraditional students in college, the elderly, the obese, the overweight, the underweight, short people, those trying to recover from an addiction, those trying to get rehabilitated post incarceration, the masked, the vaccinated, the boosted, the shielding/isolating/sheltering, the socially distanced, the poor, and other minorities (which "minority" in and of itself could be also deemed "insensitive").
19. People being TOO politically correct to the point where my brain-fogged mind cannot possibly remember everything that offends everyone; the best I can do is communicate, ask a question, apologize when I say something ignorant, and try my best to learn.
20. That said about 18 and 19, I also feel threatened, insulted, discriminated against, and hurt at times when people say things that they don't mean, but it still nonetheless hurts because of how systemic racism and xenophobia and nationalism have infiltrated at least the USA, if not other countries as well.
21. People coughing without covering their mouths (before and during this pandemic).
22. People sneezing without covering their nose (before and during this pandemic).
23. This pandemic and all its uncertainties, changing rules, etc. (Even though I do shield/isolate, wear tons of PPE, socially distance, filter the air, clean and disinfect, and maintain some sort of hygiene).
24. Anything related to mental health stigma.
25. Men saying derogatory things about women.
26. Rapists getting away with their crimes.
27. Murderers and hate-crime offenders getting away with their crimes.
28. Gun violence.
29. Mass shootings.
30. Sensationalism in news.
31. Typos. I'm guilty.
32. Grammatical errors. I'm guilty.
33. Bullies, stalkers and the like.
34. Scammers, spammers, spoofers, and the like.
35. Receiving unwanted texts, emails, snail mail, etc.
36. Door deliveries delivered to the wrong apartment.
37. Shoppers not following my directions through Shipt or Instacart, etc.
38. Door deliveries by unmasked persons.
39. Delivery so-called-professionals who fail to follow directions on the call box at apartment buildings and refuse to do contactless delivery because of their incompetence.
40. Postal services that claim they picked up my packages but clearly didn't.
41. Having to deal with so many prompts on the phone in order to speak to a live customer service representative.
42. Not getting the sale item or coupon reward.
43. Ordering some minimum amount for Target's promotion and finding out that your one order got split into two or more orders, which voided your use of that for their promotion. I gave up.
44. Dealing with broken merchandise sent in the mail.
45. Ordering food and it being delivered already expired or about to expire tomorrow.
46. Neighbors not cleaning up after their dog pees or poops in the hallways, in the elevator, on the sidewalk, etc. There's even a dog bathing section, a minipark dog section, and free bags offered for them to pick up their fur babies' excrement.
47. When the FedEx delivery person sometimes puts my packages on the very top of the bookcase in the package room, which is next to the 10-foot-high ceiling. I cannot reach it, and then it takes me a few days to request that someone bring it down for me or I will report it missing and get my full money back since it was placed in an area that I couldn't reach or see whether or not it was for me. I think the problem has since been rectified since I've asked the landlord to inform the FedEx driver not to do that, but they sometimes go on vacation and the new guy will then do that. Tall people surely don't provide equal opportunity for short people, and the landlord won't put a paper sign at least to prevent them from doing that. Also, I think they know I'm Asian, and since I'm the only one they do that to, I fear that they were doing that on purpose. It's hard to tell. But all this anti-Asian hate has really got me thinking about how different I get treated from most.
48. Disinformation (which is distinguished from misinformation).
49. The ways in which the CDC and FDA have changed their minds and used politics and economics to determine their recommendations, as opposed to strict science.
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Kitto, LiteraryLark, MuseumGhost, nonightowl, poshgirl, SybilMarie
Thanks for this!
MuseumGhost, poshgirl