catches the flowers
Member Since Jul 2019
Location: Downtown Vibes, California
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Mar 04, 2022 at 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by tentoedsloth
Hi... I read all your posts but am too tired to say much. I'm still in the ditch. No need to describe that to you. The Saturday after tomorrow I can increase the lamotrigine to where it was when I felt so good.
BUT... I can pass along something that might be helpful. In the middle of last night, having trouble sleeping, I remembered a tip from long ago, that's especially good for people who live alone. Someone said they turned on the TV in another room and the familiar sound of voices in the distance was soothing. So I basically turned on a radio in another room to NPR, too low volume to understand the words. It must have helped because I slept then.
Maybe I worry too much about sleep. Next I may try just presenting myself to the bed at bedtime and if no luck, just getting up and forgetting about it until I'm too sleepy to remain awake. And I may stop writing about it unless I can tell about something that worked.
I hope, hope that raising the Lamictal will also raise your spirits. Years ago, I'd come home from work (I worked the night shift at a coffeehouse) and feel too wound up to sleep. I'd turn the radio on, talk radio, low and it would help me sleep.
I worry a lot about sleep, too. It's hard not to.