I'm having a hard time this afternoon. It feels more mental health today. I've been thinking about this incident that happened when I was 14 and its been bugging me and also I'm worried I'm going to be sent IP because of my eating habits which seem to be getting worse. I just had a meltdown because my mom couldn't gurantee me dinner would be ready on time. We discussed this for a few days how she always plans holiday dinners being ready at a certain time and how they never are. They are always a couple hours later then planned. She promised this time dinner would be ready early. So when I asked again she said "around" and I kinda freaked out because I knew this would happen. But I guess my therapist would say if I know its going to happen because it always does and its never any different I just need to accept it and not get upset over it. Or something along that. But yeah now I kinda understand how the whole reassurance thing is not very good since it can sometimes lead to false promises. But this eating issue combined with OCD is not very good and I hope my therapist can help me. It does seem to be more of an anxiety issue then a physical issue. At least today.