I'm sitting in bed when really i should be at school.I guess you could say that I've given up for the day. It's gotten to the point where nothing works. I've done the medication, the therapy, whatever. Month after month i hear the same thing, "things will get better." I don't think they will, i can't see anything changing.
Even though I'm slowly loosing hope, a part of me is longing for healing. I've tried the suicide, and I've done the cocaine use, those were my attempts of escaping.But now I'm done. I need a place to escape to, a hospital, i don't know. So i can get out of town, get fixed, and come back a new person. Right now that sounds like heaven. Maybe there isn't a place like that, I don't know, but if any of you know something close to the sorts please let me know. I am currently living in Oregon but travel doesn't matter, I am looking for a place anywhere.
just thought i'd share my thoughts and maybe some of you can relate.