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Member Since May 2022
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Default May 11, 2022 at 04:02 AM
Good day,
I am sorry to come with something so specific, but currently the person that usually consults me on such matters is unavailable.

My good friend goes through a hard time and started to visit specialist recently.
I am getting more and more suspicious about it: in three hour long sessions therapist was able to uncover childhood father related trauma and bind it to practically everything that happens in my friends life now.

What concerns me:
- There is practically no denial from my friend, but complete "movie style" sudden realisation and awe.
- My friend goes through a lot of stress lately: war has hit hard, long term relationship frozen in uncertainty - this person is in a vulnerable, easily exploited state, credulous.

I don't try to deny the existence of possible trauma...
But three hour long sessions led to this: "You have father related trauma that you don't remember at all. Now you try to impose the same behaviour model on your spouse, and it is what causes your problems."

Specialist has never ever met the spouse and the whole relationship situation was not discussed before the third session.
And the person in question is pretty deep, clever, with wide range of emotions, life saturated with events, and ton of possible causes of stress (including a damn war).

I have a strong suspicion, that therapist fits everything into a certain beautiful theory they have in their mind and manipulates (involuntarily, of course) patient to compel. Instead of going through a mess of possible causes, most of which are likely unrelated to each other.

So... is it possible to unravel a big trauma (which is completely forgotten even now, after reveal, by patient, except for the general negative feeling towards its cause) and then analyse it well enough to make such conclusions in three sessions?
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