catches the flowers
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Jun 29, 2022 at 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by LonesomeTonight
Well, mine literally said to me today that if a client is very reliable (like me--I don't no-show, for example), then he'll be more flexible with them about certain things. Like in the current example, I can let him know about a potential time change for my session (depending on my travel plans) with less than 24 hours' notice (I'm scheduled for one time, but now I could potentially be traveling during that time--he offered a later slot, and instead of requiring 24 hours notice, he's saying I can let him know a bit later). So that's one answer to the "are all clients equal?" question for him.
Yes, that's decent and fair of your t. And good for you for being reliable! That's a big thing in my book.
I'm more referring to therapists being intrigued and stimulated by clients who have a colorful, interesting life story to opposed to, "My husband is always the one to choose which movie we see and I feel like I have no power." You know, the standard stuff that t's hear 100 times a week.
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