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Jul 28, 2022 at 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by Nammu
I can’t post links but if you google Social security and cola you will see that we’re on track for the biggest cost of living increase in decades.
SS is not going to disappear anytime soon unless T**** wins and dismantles the government. It’s the Republicans that threaten all the time to do away with it and surprisingly there’s a number of people voting against themselves and their best interests by voting for the gop
Is this just for people currently collecting only or for future generations? Yeah I know I can just Google it but not in the right frame of mind for that right now.
Many people can't live off the meager benefits, and if you're out of work for a long time or worked in low wage jobs, your benefit is even more pathetic.
I'm always afraid those threats will come true, since any of the GOP could do that, not just Orange Man. They also wanted to cut food stamps, Medicaid. Those are lifelines for people, what little we have in the way of safety nets.
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