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Default Oct 09, 2022 at 07:04 AM
Aurelius, my husband and I were talking about wanting to see Amsterdam, just the other day. Now I'm super eager to go. Hopefully you'll find a way to outsmart your competition at work. Sadly, sales does require some strategizing and trickery sometimes. But you are clearly not a viscous type. Those types may get ahead to a degree, but there will always be a group of customers that sniff that out and avoid it.

Also excited about the upcoming Netflix movie where Bradley Cooper plays Leonard Bernstein. Called Maestro.
If my boss' weekly-ish sales emails are any indicator, I might not need to do anything. I got the top sales spot this week for one of my stores! Granted, the other is at the bottom, but still, a week and a half in and I'm off to a good start!

You're right in that I don't consider myself vicious (or viscous ), but I do consider myself pragmatic. Trickery, fast talking, lies of omission all have a tendency to backfire for these guys. Especially when the omitted details add at least $100 to the customer's bill. They get their product, they start to actively dislike their product, they come back and rip the salesperson a new one and demand their money back, negating their sale. After all of that, I will be sought out.

I like my product. I believe in my product. Sometimes, it's not for everyone and I accept that because the above will happen to me if I push it regardless. I have no interest in that. So, I play the proverbial honey to their vinegar.

I finally read my message from the neurosurgery clinic and found out they had to reschedule my appointment. Only a week later thank goodness, so I confirmed it online as quick as I could.

At least, I'll be able to spend time with my mom after Sunday services. The plan is for my dad to drop her off at church and for me to drop her off at home after the two of us have lunch.

Lazy day after that, thank goodness!

"I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."
-Litany Against Fear (Dune)
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*Beth*, bizi, Fuzzybear, Nammu, Soupe du jour, Sunflower123
Thanks for this!
bizi, Soupe du jour