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Member Since May 2017
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Default Nov 30, 2022 at 02:16 PM
Intrigued to hear what happened LT. Mainly because I often feel a need to share my feelings with my T and hope that they will be open and receptive to them. I know that they will listen and receive them without getting outwardly awkward but the fear is more about how they will receive it internally which I will never know about. I equate it somewhat to when someone in school that you don't like tells you they 'like you' and how outwardly you don't want to offend them so you smile and say thanks or something but inwardly you are might be recoiling a little bit or even find it a bit intrusive depending on how they say it or how many times. This is the story in my head of how my T will react. I know that is absolutely based on no truth or fact whatsoever but that's my go to story.
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Thanks for this!