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Writing my way through...
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Default Nov 30, 2022 at 06:31 PM
So... in 17 days it will be one year since my last session with L. In some ways it's been a long year with my son moving away and stuff, but in other ways the time has gone super-fast, and I can't really believe it's already been almost a year. I'm currently working on a poem reflecting on that year with respect to leaving therapy; not sure if I'll send it to her or not. I don't know if she'd even be interested if I did. I know me though, I probably will send it to her, but will wait until closer to Christmas so I can include holiday greetings. That's assuming I finish it by then, of course. Haha.

Pondering here... she always insisted 'it's a relationship' but... why don't they tell us what we're supposed to do with it after the therapy ends?! The connection remains on my side of the equation anyway. I'm sure I've become a distant memory to her.

Ah well. Overall, I feel like life has been pretty good post-therapy, and I have managed to come through a few stressful curves that were tossed my way one on top of the other awhile back, with the help of that CBT program I did for 16 weeks and y'all here. I'm dealing pretty well with H's current medical stuff, I think, using the 3 C's pretty often "catch it-check it-change it" from CBT coach if my worry monster tries to take over.

I think I can cautiously say that I am content at last with ending therapy. It took me this entire time to get here, but, I'm here now and grateful and wanted to share it with somebody!

I'll stop rambling now.
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