Todays stats:
Start time: 9:23am
1) vacuum room where I hang out when I’m home and awake: 25m
2) gather clean-ish clothes in closet & dresser: 6m
3) clean out bag: 2m
Break: 9:58am - 10:28am
4) clean off shelves above desk: 16m
5) wipe off desktop: 13m
End time: 10:57am
Total time spent, including break: 1h, 34m
I have tomorrow off too. I’m thinking of tackling a cabinet where random things collect. It’s a big job. I would need to break it up into 4 parts, & then also going through a plastic tub of toiletries that needs to be culled. But I’m done for today. Now I’m going to work in my dot journal & listen to my pandora radio station.