Thread: Feeling alone
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Default Jan 02, 2023 at 08:01 PM
I am so confused. Yesterday she had texted me at work and the subject of marriage therapy for us came up and I asked her if she would consider trying it? Since we are living together until the spring, worst case we end up in the same place we are in now. She replied "lets try it and see where it goes and that she prefers Telehealth vs office visits, no promises on the outcome however."
She also listed several things she expects going forward, ways I can support her healing ( all very reasonable ). I told her I hear you and I mirrored ( my therapist has been encouraging me to use this communication method ) her request back to her to Validate her reply and show her I was listening to her .
I thought to my self, fantastic we are going to try.
When i got home she made an amazing dinner and we had fantastic conversation with laughter and smiles even. Then we watched TV for a little bit and I thanked her for the wonderful meal and conversation . Then I suggested I would go upstairs and give her some alone time to decompress( something she always wants to do after a long day at work and of late she has been working a lot of extra hours which is true as she works remotely from home)
Instead of saying thanks sounds good, which is what I expect. She instead tells me I should stay for the next episode so I can see how the story ends (it was a 2 part episode). After the show was over I thanked her for the wonderful evening and communication gave her a hug and told her I was going to leave so she could decompress.

I went upstairs and spent the rest of my evening researching marriage therapists on Psychology today and found a few that sounded worth considering . The next day as she was making coffee and I was heading out the door to go to work I texted her the list and said "hey here's a list of some marriage therapists that seemed decent to me and did online therapy sessions, I'm going to text them to you so you can research them to see if you felt any she felt were acceptable to try .
She showed no interest in looking at them and then said she felt like she had no choice but to agree to go???

When I mentioned marriage therapy the previous day in the text I only said in the text in the conversation she started "don't you think after almost 3 decades isn't it worth trying and since we are living together for the next few months either way? worst case we still end up in the same place as right now. " She said "sure why not , lets try and see where is takes us" I don't understand how we got from yesterday to today . There was no other interaction between us for the rest of the evening and she hugged me when she came to bed, so i don't feel I could have done or said anything to offend her or upset her.

Last edited by sadmanagain; Jan 02, 2023 at 08:11 PM.. Reason: typos/ my poor gramar
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