Originally Posted by *Beth*
I'm not diagnosed with BPD but I applaud your effort to start a check-in thread on this board @Blue_Bird. I wish I could tag other people on the forum who I know would appreciate this thread. Since I can't do that, I'll just say that I hope they see it, because it is so needed on the forum!
Oh- and good for you for coping so well with the talkers! Some years ago I decided that I was going to set a boundary with that. It took all the courage I had, but I just turned around and politely said, "Excuse me? Would you please stop talking so loudly? Thank you, I really appreciate it." I've found that when I do that, and show true appreciation, people do stop talking, or at least keep it to a bare minimum.
Thanks Beth! I hope more people come to use it over time
That's a good idea with the asking people to stop talking loudly. I tend to be afraid of any kind of conflict and avoid it, so I'm always afraid to say something when something upsets me or bothers me. I have a fear that people will get mad at me and start yelling at me or something. That's usually unlikely though. It's just something I grew up around, not my mom, she was an alcoholic and unstable but wasn't mean or loud but sometimes some of the places we stayed there were very agressive people who would yell and throw things and as a kid that scared me and made me afraid of conflict.