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Desert Kitty hates titles
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Crazy Jan 17, 2023 at 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by Nammu View Post
No problem!

I also don’t interface with my phone when I’m in any waiting room or place with people. I don’t do much on my phone. It’s old but I think it still works because I’ve not cluttered it up with apps. But it is starting to stutter. I really do need to buy a new one but,…geez. Getting used to a new one again!
I don't do much either, mainly because the battery isn't as robust as I expected it to be, for all that it does. I use it for specific tasks such as looking up something or email. I definitely don't look at it all day long like so many people do, even while walking/driving! I'll never get that but I didn't grow up with the tech and don't get the addiction.

If I'm somewhere I end up waiting a long time, I do have a couple of books on my phone to read. That way I ALWAYS have reading material, but I have to be sure it's charged enough before I leave. Since my car is old I can't charge it in there and not carrying the charger in my purse. I'd need a place to charge it anyway.

Only apps I have are ones I use, even if only once in awhile. I deleted some stuff I don't want that came pre-loaded. Every update seems to include more bells and whistles I don't need. Amazing how they think everyone has that much of a life. And sometimes the updates mess up something on my phone. I hate doing them for that reason, and since I don't have WiFi at home I probably missed some updates. They usually include "security updates" which is all I need. But it's all or nothing on the updates.

I'm trying to preserve battery life as much as I can, as afraid to have to get a new battery. Probably not cheap either and I don't know where to go for it. I doubt if I can change it myself, someone told me it's not like a TV remote.

Originally Posted by Mendingmysoul View Post
In the doctor's office,my smart phone stays in my purse.I would rather flip through the magazines they keep there.I use my smart phone only for texts,calls and WhatsApp. When in a group setting I like to interact with people and minimize my phone usage.
I prefer printed stuff too, but sometimes I forget the book I'm reading or it's too heavy/large to fit in my bag. Plus it seems places like that don't have the good magazines they used to. Probably expect everyone to look at their phones.

I don't know WHAT WhatsApp is. Heard of it though.

Originally Posted by Travelinglady View Post
I'm with you folks who don't like modern technology. I basically had to get rid of my flip phone and get a smart phone. It's mainly used for calls, though. I don't sit around playing with it in doctors' offices, etc.

I also just like cars that are cars. I don't like features, even, like automatic light dimming. And I agree about all those bright lights on cars. Too bright!
I think it's hard to buy anything that's simple now. Or just one of something. Things are packaged in pairs now, whether it's batteries or eyebrow pencil. I have to buy TWO.

Games on a phone could be fun but since they drain the battery worse than other stuff (I heard), I still play games on my old Alcatel. And I like the reminder feature on there better, as it has better and louder sounds for the reminders. More user friendly too.

D a m n bright lights are good for the DRIVER of that car, but not OTHER drivers nearby. Even the old headlights were too bright for me. One reason I'd never drive at night.

Call me "owl" for short!

Hmmm....looks like some good tips in here.

"Okay, enough photos. I'm a very BUSY Business Kitty, so make an appointment next time."
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