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Member Since Sep 2020
Location: Wichita, KS
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Default Feb 21, 2023 at 02:24 PM
I've made it to Season 7 of Survivor. I bought a subscription to HBO Maxx, Paramount +, and Amazon Prime. Since I am on Season 7 of Survivor, I have proved that I can keep my head on the end game which is to watch all seasons of some of the shows on there, like Ancient Aliens, Survivor, Lord of the Rings trilogy, Game of Thrones, House of Dragons, Rings of Power, Seal Team 6 etc and be entertained. I've been using the computer and cell phone. I am not really straying from these things. Not really going out and shopping, and only buying Chipotle on Wednesday - that did become a habit. This is helping me cope because I did feel like my life was ending up being bizarrely chaotic and hectic. I'm just staying put in my parents house which is the most grounding thing in the world. My cousin passed away and her funeral is on Friday. I hope God's angels have been good to her.

I have Schizoaffective disorder, bipolar type.

234 mg Invega Sustenna injection, 2 mg Risperidone prn, 1 mg Benztropine, 1500 mg Lithium, 200 mg Seroquel prn, 20 mg Belsomra prn, 2 mg Lorazepam prn
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Hugs from:
AliceKate, Bill3, Breaking Dawn, Discombobulated, mote.of.soul, SlumberKitty
Thanks for this!
AliceKate, Breaking Dawn