Like for example;
All I needed was this... It's not difficult, Idk why people found it so hard to understand what I was asking for..
And I want to keep myself in tune with;
13 Approval seeking behaviours you need to stop -
The way I've been interacting with people, it seemed all fine (But people in high school - I think they really judged me. And all they cared about was whether I was gay or not - Even though being severely depressed with AvPD, and eventually psychosis). If only I talked to people instead of being so "quiet", although I didn't even want to be there.
I was so stressed out (From so much homework in Ireland, learning 3 different languages etc), and moved to the middle of no where, where no one cared what I did.. I was given the permission to go completely nuts..
But w/e, I'll stop talking for now..