Thread: Roll Call 198
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Default Feb 23, 2023 at 08:29 PM
Originally Posted by Blue_Bird View Post
You don't have to stop talking if you feel like posting. I'm always here to listen and give support when Im able to. As for the video chat people that is very traumatizing. When I was 13 years old I was on a forum and people could anonymously leave private messages. Someone kept sending me messages harassing me literally telling me to kill myself, to commit suicide, over and over. I ended up attempting suicide at 14. That wasn't the only reason, I was already struggling mentally and with my environment. But I told the mods and they did nothing about it. It really hurt a lot. Some people are just cruel and I'm sorry you had to deal with that

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I'm so sorry BB.. That happened to me as well. I went onto a depression chat, and the owner (Out of all people) would leave a message (Every time I entered), "Gay and autistic - Kill yourself" (In all caps), and I kept going in (Because I thought that it wouldn't bother me - And that I was stronger than that), but it happened like 100 times - To the point of it being disturbing. I was 16.. Around that time, I attempted too.

But thx for the supportive words ^-
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