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Member Since Aug 2021
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Default Feb 24, 2023 at 08:02 AM
Originally Posted by aaqil View Post
I've been with my psychiatrist for almost 12 years. Medicines kept changing, but for the last five years, I've just been taking them and haven't seen him for a check-up because I'm tired of seeing him. He asked me to see a psychotherapist; I did so, but it didn't work out, so I stopped. My conditions were mainly anxiety and depression. It all started with some indigestion, restlessness, and after seeing many doctors, they just pushed me to see a psychiatrist, because all the body tests were coming back normal, So I visited many psychiatrists, but nothing made my condition better. Then this psychiatrist whom I am seeing from 12 years, his medicines worked and I started acting normal. But now I am fed up with these medicines. I am so dependent on them that I cannot stay a single day without them, and I want to quit because I think that they will harm my health in the long run. If I don't get sleep for 8-10 hours a day, I feel sick. I think it's because of these medicines, so I want to quit and want to spend a normal life without any dependency on any medicine.
I have to say that for most psychiatric disorders you shouldn't have to see the psychiatrist for 12 years ! Psychiatrists , psychologists and therapists tend to stretch out the time spent in " treatment " . These drugs are normally not meant to be on for such a long time. And in all truthfulness the psychiatrists themselves don't really know how these medicines work.
Why do you want to stop taking them ? Side effects ? That's the worst part for me. The side effects. I know how you feel about trying to live a " normal " life without these drugs but maybe we're not " normal" to begin with ? Maybe we need something to help us get through life somehow ? There are other methods besides meds that can help anxiety and depression , but it takes effort , something that most depressives don't have much of.
I have sympathy and empathy for you and how your feeling.
Think about it some more. Just never quit cold turkey. Be safe and the best of luck to you.....

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