I went to my friend's house today. Spent a few hours there. We played the Starwars tabletop rpg game which took a couple hours (I won) then two rounds of the digimon TCG (he won both rounds of Digimon) He gave me a huge case of like tons and tons of paint specified to use for miniture painting (the little plastic figures that come with some tabletop games) , he got a bunch of new ones and didn't need those anymore so he offered them to me, which is exciting because I've been wanting to get into painting my miniatures in the Descent game. He showed me some tips and tricks for painting them last time we hung out. The paints he gave me are open but there's still a lot of paint in every bottle. There are also a lot of bottles of different tints and stuff too to add to them. He got a new set so he didn't need those anymore.
It was fun to hang out, been a few months since we hung out since he wasn't feeling well/was depressed for some time
Next time we hang out we're gonna play some dungeons and dragons
“All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle.” -St. Francis of Assisi
Schizoaffective disorder Bipolar type
Social Anxiety Disorder
Anorexia Binge/Purge type