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Member Since May 2020
Location: Melbourne, Australia
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Default Apr 01, 2023 at 04:06 AM
Originally Posted by SquarePegGuy View Post
I discovered I am Nothing. The sensation was like what happens at the end of a reel-to-reel movie when the tape runs out, or a late-night TV station that goes off air. (Old concepts, I know.) My "screen" simply went blank. I describe the meditation on my blog here: Thoughts of a Square Peg on a Round World: Who Am I?
That blank screen is pretty much a default for me, and always has been. Thanks for the link - I'll have a read a little later.

For me, I've never had a sense of self. To my mind much of what a self is can be distilled to a set of preferences: what you do/don't like and how you like to pursue/avoid those things. I think the reason I lack a sense of self is mostly due to my inability to remember pleasant things. Consider how much faster you develop a sense of self by choosing what you want rather than exuding what you don't:

Imagine you were asked to choose a favourite marble from a bunch of a hundred. Choosing the one you innately prefer automatically and instantly excludes 99 others in one fell swoop, whereas choosing by excluding those you don't like requires 99 iterations until you only have one left.

If I don't consciously experience or remember pleasant things, then I can't develop a self as fast as someone who can. That's my working hypothesis for now, but there are a lot of other factors.

That's incredibly interesting! Sensory deprivation can lead to some profound experiences, I've heard. In his book D.I.Y Magic (chapter 9), Anthony Alvarado describes using the Ganzfield Technique to "tune into the background of your thoughts." Google books seems to offer that chapter here: Google Books

But what you described might also be hypnagogia.
You're the first person I've ever met who also sees the morphing glow. I used to think everyone saw the colours until I mentioned it a couple of times and saw the strange looks I got. Since you see them too I bet you can make another world appear as well.

It's hard to describe, but there is a will inside us that sits at the very centre. You cannot consciously get behind that will and look at it in the way you can get behind thoughts and emotions. That's because it is the very kernal of your being, way down in the old reptilian brain where consciousness can't go. But if you can place an intention there to hold still and watch while you clear everything else away until you are doing nothing, thinking nothing, feeling nothing, and just staring at the morphing colours, with energetic yet relaxed presence but without push or conscious intention... you're basically letting everything relax into near sleep except that intention to watch the colours, letting everything become hypnotized except that intentional part of your mind doing the watching. Don't focus on the colours in a tight way, but relax your mind such that you are passively staring.

Then hold it, and after a while an image will begin to materialise from the centre of the morphing colours. It's important not to let excitement grip you, or to be compelled to focus on the image for a better look. If you do it will disappear and you'll need to start over. If you remain passively attentive the image will grow and eventually surround you. At that point your mind must kind of accept what it sees as the new reality because then you can look around without breaking the spell. The hardest part is getting there. Once there you are in a kind of mental spell. Maybe it's similar to being in a dream but you're more conscious. However, you can still kick yourself out by trying for a closer look at something, or by noticing something peculiar and having one of those "hmm, that's interesting" moments. Basically anything that sparks the other parts of your brain to become active again will kick you out.

Thanks for the links and replies. Have a nice day.
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Thanks for this!