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Default Apr 06, 2023 at 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by jesyka View Post
Thsts so true. It often boggles me to how anyone can stand to be around them for long. I can’t believe tgat some of these people are actually popular people with lots of friends, ugh.
Although you've met these women in person, they definitely don't seem like the real definition of what a 'friend' means. They seem more like acquaintances who aren't 100% invested in developing a real friendship with you, despite your efforts and clear communication with them, managing both yours and their expectations.

When you've done all of that work, and these women still refuse to reciprocate, then it's up to you to decide if you're willing to allow these acquaintances to treat you with such low interest. If not, cut them off. There's nothing more that you can do at this point. They know how you feel about them. If they choose not to reciprocate the same amount of interest in their connection to you, drop them. No reason to keep them in your life if they bring no value to it.

I am 52 and I am learning quickly that when people mistreat me, it's because they don't like or respect me. Otherwise, they'd show me through their actions that they care about my feelings and want to be my friend. It's just that simple, I believe. People show you their true feelings about you through their actions.

It boils down to whether or not people like you. If they don't like you, then just leave that friendship. When people like and respect you, communication is easy even when there is a misunderstanding, because both people want to stay friends and resolve the misunderstanding together.
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Thanks for this!
Discombobulated, jesyka, nonightowl