Good day today. Refilled meds. I'm on 6 meds, and one PRN.
Small amounts of microdosing (Although I don't feel like using psychedelics or nootropics much right now).
Psychosis is scary. It's been 2 years without (Except one night, a week ago, I thought "Oh ****..", but I went to sleep).
Lots of sleep is the greatest cure. You can't have psychosis if you're unconscious. So dose up the APs. When I got home yesterday? I went to sleep and slept all day and night until work this morning.
And btw, I left work early cuz I started to feel really shaky and nervous. I work really hard when I'm supposed to work.. I've worked really hard since age 15 (Cuz I'm a heavy perfectionist), and realize that it doesn't get me anywhere - I have to work smart instead.