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Default May 02, 2023 at 02:37 PM
Last night my husband was nasry to me. It started when he lectured me about not answering scam calls when I was trying to watch t.v. I said I know better rhan to answer the phone & that I don’t want to hear it anymore 3 times. He kept irritating me & he wouldn’t shut uo, so I raised my voice & told him to just shut up. He got mad & I told him that he was making me mad but going on & on sbout things.

He said I needed to listen to him as I’m naieve & I tild him I’m not that naieve & thst he can’t force me to listen to him. Idk if he was still mad when he told me to give him back his credit card rudely in bed. I have it niw to pay for a few Drs. vusits.

I don’t have enough on mine. I said that I’ll need it to see my new general practitioner today to go over the results of a bloodtest. He whined about me going to the doctors often & said that he doesn’t spend any money on himself & that I go to the doctors to often.

We have no insurance as he says he can’t afford it & he doesn’t trust doctors as he thinks they scam people m. He’s smart, but he has this idiotic belief rhst the body can heal itself from anything, literally. He himself hasn’t been to any doctor except for getting stitches & surgery for his groin area years ago.

He is trying to get me to not get any health care at all, but I fight him on things. I’m 50 years ild & have put off a lot of things to save money. I didn’t even ger my yearly gynecologist exam yet, but one is scheduled in a few weeks. I need to get a mammogram too.

I could have type 2 diabetes. The bloodtest results will be discussed later today. He’s crazy! I told him, do you want me to get sick & die? He told me that I’m exaggerating things. I told him that I put everoff for to long & that it’s better to detect illnesses early than later when it’s to late.

He wouldn’t listen to me & accused me of exaggerating things & spend ling to much money, ugh! I don’t qualify for ANY low cost insurance or service.

I have gotten on a payment plan at my dentists iffice. I recently had my teeth cleaned & will have an ugky chipped & stained tooth removed or something like that in 2 weeks.

I’m so sick of fighting for my basic needs! I think that he enjoys controlling me. I can’t get a job as I’m mentally & physically disabled & am working on getting disability. I can’t keep any job for more than a week usually as most places say I’m to slow, I don’t fit in, they end up not liking me, etc.

I tried, I’m done wasting my time & done with being bullied for minimum wage. I don’t kniw how to plsy the game or play office politics l. I usually keep to myself & somehow it offends some people. Or I try & get rejected anyways.

We used to have insurance years ago. He was still nasry about things though. He wouldn’t tell me when he didn’t pay the insurance comoany too. Nasty!

He owes the IRS a lit if money but he lies & says he doesn’t know how much. He only ytokd me that because I keepseeing the letters, so he can’t hide that from me.

He’s been in debt for over 20 years. Weird! Please don’t ask me anything as I honestly have no clue what’s going on other than that.

How can I get him to take my health seriously? I’m very upset that he cares a lot more about saving money than my health! If I got cancer, I bet he’d rather have me stat hime & let my body heal itself & let me die instead of getting chemotherapy, lol 😆

What can I do to get him to listen to reason & how do I get him to stop being nasty to me when we discuss this? He interrupts me a lot & won’t listen too.
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