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Default Jun 04, 2023 at 04:37 AM
So I’ve known this person for about two years. We talked on the phone, a lot, and were Facebook friends.
She invited me to visit her and meet her husband and roommate. So I flew to her city where I also have a cousin.

The first red flag I noticed was that I had asked her for her address. She waited until I landed to text to me. Then I asked her if there is a light rail or bus number I could take to her location and she says oh my roommate does it all the time, But she would not elaborate or give me any information. I ended up spending $60 on a cab.

When she wasn’t taking her moms calls to scream at her mom, she would just scream at me about her horrible family and horrible husband, and horrible life. And she had these three one year old kittens in our house who come to me and want to play.

I did manage around 8 o’clock to convince her to leave her house because I was starving, I convinced her to go go the co-op to buy food to eat.

Red flags I noticed…She would not turn the light on in her house or her kitchen. She had one pot to cook everything in. When she steamed vegetables and water, she ate directly from the pan.

She kept putting bee fork back in the food instead of let me take a serving.. So I didn’t eat any of the vegetables and then she went into her room, close her door mom called again, and they were screaming at each other for about two hours this time. I finally started to get tired and texted a friend for advice. My friend told me to get the hell out of there because she sounds like a ticking time bomb.

Her husband and roommate were not there and she knew that my mom died three months ago yet she spent the entire day ignoring me and yelling and screaming at her mom on the phone who would call like every 15 minutes.

I just sat in their guest room, literally terrified all day and then finally decided I needed to leave because I felt unsafe when I told her why I was leaving she tried to stand in the doorway and not let me leave.

And then she said well why didn’t you leave earlier if I’m such a monster? No one ever accuse me of that for. Yet Earlier in the day she talked about how her husband and her had a huge blowout fight the night before and that he’s the narcissist and she’s the victim.

She was also texting her husband and her friend while I was trying to leave her house. She kept emphasizing how I was mentally ill for believing she could physically hurt me says the woman who spent 12 hours screaming and yelling at her mother on her cell phone and ignoring her guest, who spent money on a plane ticket, expecting to visit her for a weekend.

And when I finally left her house and closed the door, I could hear her scream from behind it you’re scared my cats. Then I went and walked a couple blocks and downloaded an Uber app called an Uber and found a hotel. Now I have to change my flight. I’m so freaked out you guys. Normal people don’t behave that way.

When you have a guest, you don’t spend a whole day, ignoring them, and screaming at someone you know on the phone literally the entire day. And I need to add this person is an attorney and writer

I wonder why she did this to me. I don’t know how to process this experience because I feel violated and traumatized. It’s clear to me that she has a mental illness. I didn’t yell or scream at her. I just told her that her behavior scared me, I told her that her, ignoring me all day was disrespectful and rude, considering she invited me to come visit her for three days.

I also told her that it was triggering for me to listen to her screaming her mom and Conor my names when I just lost my mom three months ago.

Last edited by Anonymous43372; Jun 04, 2023 at 05:06 AM..
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