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Grand Magnate
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Default Jul 03, 2023 at 09:25 PM
I do. I have always said I trust my therapists aa much as I could.. I realized over the last week how much I really trust my therapist. I trust her in a way I never thought possible. For a while now there have been little signs that something was off with her... Sometimes she seems tired and other times a bit distracted. Last week she was really distracted and mentioned it near the end of the session..

Despite this, I didn't think it was about me. I feared many thing such as her cancer returned, there was something going on with her husband or child , etc. In the past, I would have feared she was bored or frustrated with me. Or that I was too much. Today in seasion I mentioned my observation. He first response was to tell me it waa not about me...When I told her I was confident that it was not about that she seemed pleasantly surprised. Then she explained a medical issue she is dealing with. It helped me immensely.


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